Dealing with Social Guilt

Article describing empowerment of women, social guilt, careers for women, family problems for working women.

The present generation of women are empowered enough to manage a demanding career along with their family responsibilities. However despite the growing equality, women are still expected to handle a greater share of the family responsibilities than men. As a result even when they have an understanding partner they can suffer pangs of guilt for supposedly neglecting ageing parents, children or husband.

Stress and social guilt often lead women to give up their careers completely or look for less demanding jobs. Before you decide to take such a step, look at yourself and do a quick self-evaluation. Are your expectations real? Are you actually neglecting your children? Is your family being rational when they say that you have not done enough for them?  Having a job will automatically set limits on your time and efficient time management is required for a career woman.

Make sure your children understand that there are limits on your time. Schedule some time to be with them every day. Never let them feel that you’re disinterested in their life.

With parents and husband, you can discuss your own work. Ask them for advice work related problems even if you don’t need it. This will reassure them that their opinions are valued and they have an important place in your life. People need constant reassurances - there’s no harm in giving it to them.

A family cannot be held together by just one member. When you realize this and start taking steps to disperse the responsibility amongst your family members, life will gradually become less stressful and you will feel less guilty about trying to achieve your career related ambitions.


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