Multi-lingual skills give you that extra edge in your career

languagesRahul can speak 5 languages. Apart from his first language Hindi and mother tongue Marwadi, he is at equal ease while conversing with his Gujarati friends in college. Counting in his fluency in English and French, he is a true multi-lingual. French played a big part in his job interview while English has been his preferred choice for communication for years now.

What differentiates Rahul from an ordinary guy is the ease and confidence with which he can interact with people from a diverse setting. This has not only helped him socially, but more importantly, in his career. Employers admit that people who can speak more than one language are better poised in some specific industries and this can also help them climb that success ladder quickly. A case in point is the Hospitality industry. From a hotel manager to a restaurateur to people working in hotels and restaurants, multi-lingual skills can help serve customers in a more personalized way. With a vast majority of customers in this industry being tourists who cannot speak the local language or even English properly, these skills are an absolute must.

Whether your MBA degree lands you a foreign job or you want to pursue a foreign MBA, the benefits of knowing the multiple languages are substantial. Diversity in such places means that you will bond with colleagues in a better way with multi-lingual skills in your arsenal. The increasing convergence towards global standards in various fields means that such professionals will have an advantage everywhere they go, notwithstanding the numerous opportunities to work throughout the world. A thorough knowledge of multiple languages is a no-brainer for students looking to make a mark as a translator. This helps in career growth, apart from the other social and cultural benefits.
In the increasingly globalized world that we live in today, knowing those ‘extra’ languages will definitely give you an edge in your career, be it in any field. It is never a bad idea to enroll in that French course your friend was talking about!


- Sumeet Seth (views expressed in the article are that of the author)


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